Monday, September 7, 2009

Hamburger Helper

Saturday we spent a few hours watching college football at the apartment of some friends of ours. As a result I snacked for a few hours and was not very hungry when we came home. Wiley wanted hamburger helper and we decided to wait until Sunday for lunch. At Bible study I mentioned that we were going home to make hamburger helper for lunch. This really sounds odd to say outloud- but I did it anyways.

Then we ran into my parents leaving church and were invited to eat with them. A whole nother story. =) Therefore the hamburger helper was delayed yet another meal. =(

Finally, Sunday evening I fixed the beloved dish. It became quite an event because we had spent over 24 hours anticipating the meal. I spiced it up with fresh basil from our "garden" and added frozen spinach as well. In the end it was very delicious and quite healthy (if HH can actually be healthy).

So, needless to say, we have made Hambuger Helper a very special part of our lives now.

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